Sunday, March 15, 2009

Entry 2009-03-15

John elected me to write this week and it has been a busy one. He is at the moment carrying on a Fugal tradition by doing the Sunday dinner dishes. He has faithfully helped for nearly ten years now. Wow!

We were glad to see some family this week. Sarah and Shelly came upon Wednesday and Thursday and watched the boys so we could experience our first couples massage at Brio Spa. (Vera gave us this generous gift last month around my birthday and informed me it was actually thanks in advance for us watching her kids for three days this month). John took sisters Sarah and Shelly for a bit o' rock climbing later on. The first of the week had brought a foot of fresh snow so the gang decided to make a snow arch and sledding hill. All four boys love their aunts beyond measure and Malachi cried when they left.

Thursday we attended the Draper Temple Open House. Isaac's favorite part was the sealing room mirrors. Malachi ran into a bit of an accident, literally, on our "silent" tour that turned out not to be so silent: a metal bowl drinking fountain just about his height. Ouch. Afterwards we headed to the Mayan restaurant and watched the diving show. The boys were thrilled and loved being in the splash zone. On the way home we picked up two Brower boys as Vera headed for a Las Vegas trip.

Friday I took five of the boys to Isaac's Parent Teacher conference. Isaac has improved much and is working hard to pay attention and actually turn in his work. His teacher gave him a certificate of achievement for the Iowa Basics Standardized testing. 96 percentile in Science for the whole country. It is interesting that the schools here don't actually teach Science-staying to the core curriculum of math, reading and language arts. I suppose his Science whiz comes from his natural curiosity and relentless questioning. (Or maybe he's just inherited his Dad's genius).

Saturday we attended the Disney on Ice show in SLC. Our neighbors had free tickets to share with us. I doubt I'll ever complain about taking four boys to an event again after six boys. They were actually pretty good except when the sales dudes would come by to try to sell us $10 cotton candy. After a few minutes I would have paid the obscene price if I had had the cash. Alas, all I a had was a five.

I thought maybe I'd end with a Quote. I'm trying to get through the Conference Ensign before General Conference. Elder Corbridge says,"While the Standard of the Lord is the Highest, don't ever ever think it is only reachable by a select few who are most able."

We love and miss you all,
Sarah and the Grasses.